Existing Crowdsourcing Studies
Truth Inference in Crowdsourcing
- G. Demartini, D. E. Difallah, and P. Cudré-Mauroux. Zencrowd: leveraging probabilistic reasoning and crowdsourcing techniques for large-scale entity linking. In WWW, pages 469–478, 2012.
- A. P. Dempster, N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the em algorithm. J.R.Statist.Soc.B, 30(1):1–38, 1977.
- A.P.Dawid and A.M.Skene. Maximum likelihood estimation of observererror-rates using em algorithm. Appl.Statist., 28(1):20–28, 1979.
- J. Fan, G. Li, B. C. Ooi, K. Tan, and J. Feng. icrowd: An adaptivecrowdsourcing framework. In SIGMOD, pages 1015–1030, 2015.
- J. Gao, Q. Li, B. Zhao, W. Fan, and J. Han. Truth discovery andcrowdsourcing aggregation: A unified perspective. VLDB, 8(12):2048–2049, 2015
- CrowdPOI: H. Hu, Y. Zheng, Z. Bao, G. Li, and J. Feng. Crowdsourced poi labelling:Location-aware result inference and task assignment. In ICDE, 2016.
- P. Ipeirotis, F. Provost, and J. Wang. Quality management on amazonmechanical turk. In SIGKDD Workshop, pages 64–67, 2010.
- M. Joglekar, H. Garcia-Molina, and A. G. Parameswaran. Evaluating thecrowd with confidence. In SIGKDD, pages 686–694, 2013.
- G. Li, J. Wang, Y. Zheng, and M. J. Franklin. Crowdsourced datamanagement: A survey. TKDE, 28(9):2296–2319, 2016.
- Q. Li, Y. Li, J. Gao, L. Su, B. Zhao, M. Demirbas, W. Fan, and J. Han. A confidence-aware approach for truth discovery on long-tail data. PVLDB,8(4):425–436, 2014.
- Q. Li, Y. Li, J. Gao, B. Zhao, W. Fan, and J. Han. Resolving conflicts inheterogeneous data by truth discovery and source reliability estimation. In SIGMOD, pages 1187–1198, 2014.
- Q. Liu, J. Peng, and A. T. Ihler. Variational inference for crowdsourcing. In NIPS, pages 701–709, 2012.
- X. Liu, M. Lu, B. C. Ooi, Y. Shen, S. Wu, and M. Zhang. CDAS: Acrowdsourcing data analytics system. PVLDB, 5(10):1040–1051, 2012.
- F. Ma, Y. Li, Q. Li, M. Qiu, J. Gao, S. Zhi, L. Su, B. Zhao, H. Ji, and J. Han.Faitcrowd: Fine grained truth discovery for crowdsourced data aggregation. In KDD, pages 745–754. ACM, 2015.
- V. C. Raykar and S. Yu. Eliminating spammers and ranking annotators for crowdsourced labeling tasks. Journal of Machine Learning Research,13:491–518, 2012.
- V. C. Raykar, S. Yu, L. H. Zhao, A. K. Jerebko, C. Florin, G. H. Valadez,L. Bogoni, and L. Moy. Supervised learning from multiple experts: whom totrust when everyone lies a bit. In ICML, pages 889–896, 2009.
- V. C. Raykar, S. Yu, L. H. Zhao, G. H. Valadez, C. Florin, L. Bogoni, andL. Moy. Learning from crowds. JMLR, 11(Apr):1297–1322, 2010. [18] Yudian Zheng, Guoliang Li, Yuanbing Li, Caihua Shan, Reynold Cheng. Truth Inference in Crowdsourcing: Is the Problem Solved? VLDB 2017.
- Yudian Zheng, Guoliang Li, Reynold Cheng. DOCS: A Domain-Aware Crowdsourcing System Using Knowledge Bases. VLDB 2017.
- M. Venanzi, J. Guiver, G. Kazai, P. Kohli, and M. Shokouhi.Community-based bayesian aggregation models for crowdsourcing. In WWW,pages 155–164, 2014.
- D. Zhou, S. Basu, Y. Mao, and J. C. Platt. Learning from the wisdom ofcrowds by minimax entropy. In NIPS, pages 2195–2203, 2012.
- P. Smyth, U. M. Fayyad, M. C. Burl, P. Perona, and P. Baldi. Inferring groundtruth from subjective labelling of venus images. In NIPS, pages 1085–1092,1994.
- P. Welinder, S. Branson, P. Perona, and S. J. Belongie. The multidimensional wisdom of crowds. In NIPS, pages 2424–2432, 2010.
- J. Whitehill, P. Ruvolo, T. Wu, J. Bergsma, and J. R. Movellan. Whose vote should count more: Optimal integration of labels from labelers of unknown expertise. In NIPS, pages 2035–2043, 2009.
- Aditya Parameswaran ,Human-Powered Data Management , http://msrvideo.vo.msecnd.net/rmcvideos/185336/dl/185336.pdf
Task Assignment in Crowdsourcing
- CDAS: X. Liu, M. Lu, B. C. Ooi, Y. Shen, S. Wu, and M. Zhang. CDAS: Acrowdsourcing data analytics system. PVLDB, 5(10):1040–1051, 2012 。
- C.-J. Ho and J. W. Vaughan. Online task assignment in crowdsourcingmarkets. In AAAI, 2012.
- Yudian Zheng, Jiannan Wang, Guoliang Li, Reynold Cheng, Jianhua Feng. QASCA: A Quality-Aware Task Assignment System for Crowdsourcing Applications. SIGMOD 2015.
- C.-J. Ho, S. Jabbari, and J. W. Vaughan. Adaptive task assignment forcrowdsourced classification. In ICML, pages 534–542, 2013.
- H. Hu, Y. Zheng, Z. Bao, G. Li, and J. Feng. Crowdsourced poi labelling:Location-aware result inference and task assignment. In ICDE, 2016.
- Yudian Zheng, Guoliang Li, Reynold Cheng. DOCS: A Domain-Aware Crowdsourcing System Using Knowledge Bases. VLDB 2017.
- R. Boim, O. Greenshpan, T. Milo, S. Novgorodov, N. Polyzotis, and W. C. Tan. Asking the right questions in crowd data sourcing. In ICDE, 2012.
- J. Fan, G. Li, B. C. Ooi, K. Tan, and J. Feng. icrowd: An adaptivecrowdsourcing framework. In SIGMOD, pages 1015–1030, 2015.
- Qi Li, Fenglong Ma, Jing Gao, Lu Su, and Christopher J Quinn, Crowdsourcing High Quality Labels with a Tight Budget, WSDM 2016.
- Jing Gao, Qi Li, Bo Zhao, Wei Fan, and Jiawei Han, Enabling the Discovery of Reliable Information from Passively and Actively Crowdsourced Data, KDD'16 tutorial.
Crowdsourcing Cost Control
- Y. Amsterdamer, S. B. Davidson, T. Milo, S. Novgorodov, and A. Somech. Oassis: query driven crowd mining. In SIGMOD, pages 589–600. ACM, 2014
- X. Chen, P. N. Bennett, K. Collins-Thompson, and E. Horvitz. Pairwise ranking aggregation in a crowdsourced setting. In WSDM, pages 193–202, 2013
- G. Demartini, D. E. Difallah, and P. Cudre-Mauroux. Zencrowd: leveraging probabilistic reasoning and crowdsourcing techniques for large-scale entity linking. In WWW, pages 469–478, 2012.
- B. Eriksson. Learning to top-k search using pairwise comparisons. In AISTATS, pages 265–273, 2013.
- C. Gokhale, S. Das, A. Doan, J. F. Naughton, N. Rampalli, J. W. Shavlik, and X. Zhu. Corleone: hands-off crowdsourcing for entity matching. In SIGMOD, pages 601–612, 2014.
- A. Gruenheid, D. Kossmann, S. Ramesh, and F. Widmer. Crowdsourcing entity resolution: When is A=B? Technical report, ETH Zurich.
- S. Guo, A. G. Parameswaran, and H. Garcia-Molina. So who won?: dynamic max discovery with the crowd. In SIGMOD, pages 385–396, 2012.
- H. Heikinheimo and A. Ukkonen. The crowd-median algorithm. In HCOMP, 2013.
- S. R. Jeffery, M. J. Franklin, and A. Y. Halevy. Pay-as-you-go user feedback for dataspace systems. In SIGMOD, pages 847–860, 2008.
- H. Kaplan, I. Lotosh, T. Milo, and S. Novgorodov. Answering planning queries with the crowd. PVLDB, 6(9):697–708, 2013.
- A. R. Khan and H. Garcia-Molina. Hybrid strategies for finding the max with the crowd. Technical report, 2014.
- A. Marcus, D. R. Karger, S. Madden, R. Miller, and S. Oh. Counting with the crowd. PVLDB, 6(2):109–120, 2012.
- B. Mozafari, P. Sarkar, M. Franklin, M. Jordan, and S. Madden. Scaling up crowd-sourcing to very large datasets: a case for active learning. PVLDB, 8(2):125–136, 2014.
- A. G. Parameswaran, A. D. Sarma, H. Garcia-Molina, N. Polyzotis, and J. Widom. Human-assisted graph search: it’s okay to ask questions. PVLDB, 4(5):267–278, 2011.
- T. Pfeiffer, X. A. Gao, Y. Chen, A. Mao, and D. G. Rand. Adaptive polling for information aggregation. In AAAI, 2012.
- B. Trushkowsky, T. Kraska, M. J. Franklin, and P. Sarkar. Crowdsourced enumeration queries. In ICDE, pages 673–684, 2013.
- V. Verroios and H. Garcia-Molina. Entity resolution with crowd errors. In ICDE, pages 219–230, 2015.
- N. Vesdapunt, K. Bellare, and N. N. Dalvi. Crowdsourcing algorithms for entity resolution. PVLDB, 7(12):1071–1082, 2014.
- J. Wang, T. Kraska, M. J. Franklin, and J. Feng. CrowdER: crowdsourcing entity resolution. PVLDB, 5(11):1483–1494, 2012.
- J. Wang, S. Krishnan, M. J. Franklin, K. Goldberg, T. Kraska, and T. Milo. A sample-and-clean framework for fast and accurate query processing on dirty data. In SIGMOD, pages 469–480, 2014.
- J. Wang, G. Li, T. Kraska, M. J. Franklin, and J. Feng. Leveraging transitive relations for crowdsourced joins. In SIGMOD, 2013.
- S. Wang, X. Xiao, and C. Lee. Crowd-based deduplication: An adaptive approach. In SIGMOD, pages 1263–1277, 2015.
- S. E. Whang, P. Lofgren, and H. Garcia-Molina. Question selection for crowd entity resolution. PVLDB, 6(6):349–360, 2013.
- T. Yan, V. Kumar, and D. Ganesan. Crowdsearch: exploiting crowds for accurate real-time image search on mobile phones. In MobiSys, pages 77–90, 2010.
- P. Ye, U. EDU, and D. Doermann. Combining preference and absolute judgements in a crowd-sourced setting. In ICML Workshop, 2013.
- C. J. Zhang, Y. Tong, and L. Chen. Where to: Crowd-aided path selection. PVLDB, 7(14):2005–2016, 2014.
Crowdsourcing Latency Control
- J. P. Bigham et al. VizWiz: nearly real-time answers to visual questions. UIST, 2010.
- M. S. Bernstein, J. Brandt, R. C. Miller, and D. R. Karger. Crowds in two seconds: enabling realtime crowd-powered interfaces. UIST, 2011.
- M. S. Bernstein, D. R. Karger, R. C. Miller, and J. Brandt. Analytic Methods for Optimizing Realtime Crowdsourcing. Collective Intelligence, 2012.
- Y. Gao and A. G. Parameswaran. Finish them!: Pricing algorithms for human computation. PVLDB, 7(14):1965–1976, 2014
- S. Faradani, B. Hartmann, and P. G. Ipeirotis. What’s the right price? pricing tasks for finishing on time. In AAAI Workshop, 2011.
- D. Haas, J. Wang, E. Wu, and M. J. Franklin. Clamshell: Speeding up crowds for low-latency data labeling. PVLDB, 9(4):372–383, 2015
- A. D. Sarma, A. G. Parameswaran, H. Garcia-Molina, and A. Y. Halevy. Crowd-powered find algorithms. In ICDE, pages 964–975, 2014
- V. Verroios, P. Lofgren, and H. Garcia-Molina. tdp: An optimal-latency budget allocation strategy for crowdsourced MAXIMUM operations. In SIGMOD, pages 1047–1062, 2015.
- T. Yan, V. Kumar, and D. Ganesan. Crowdsearch: exploiting crowds for accurate real-time image search on mobile phones. In MobiSys, pages 77–90, 2010.
Crowdsourcing Database Systems
- M. J. Franklin, D. Kossmann, T. Kraska, S. Ramesh, and R. Xin. Crowddb: answering queries with crowdsourcing. In SIGMOD, pages 61–72, 2011.
- A. Marcus, E. Wu, S. Madden, and R. C. Miller. Crowdsourced databases: Query processing with people. In CIDR, pages 211–214, 2011.
- H. Park, R. Pang, A. G. Parameswaran, H. Garcia-Molina, N. Polyzotis, and J. Widom. Deco: A system for declarative crowdsourcing. PVLDB, 2012.
- J. Fan, M. Zhang, S. Kok , M. Lu, and B. C. Ooi. Crowdop: Query optimization for declarative crowdsourcing systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 27(8):2078–2092, 2015.
- G. Li, C. Chai, J. Fan, X. Weng, J. Li, Y. Zheng, Y. Li, X. Yu, X. Zhang, H. Yuan. CDB: Optimizing Queries with Crowd-Based Selections and Joins. in SIGMOD, 2017.
- A. G. Parameswaran et al.: CrowdScreen: algorithms for filtering data with humans. SIGMOD Conference 2012: 361-372.
- A. D. Sarma et al.: Crowd-powered find algorithms. ICDE 2014: 964-975.
- Jiannan Wang, Guoliang Li, Tim Kraska, Michael J. Franklin, Jianhua Feng: Leveraging transitive relations for crowdsourced joins. SIGMOD 2013.
- Donatella Firmani, Barna Saha, Divesh Srivastava: Online Entity Resolution Using an Oracle. PVLDB 2016.
- S. E. Whang, P. Lofgren, H. Garcia-Molina: Question Selection for Crowd Entity Resolution. PVLDB 6(6): 349-360 (2013).
- S. Guo, et al. : So who won?: dynamic max discovery with the crowd. SIGMOD Conference 2012: 385-396.
- Xiaohang Zhang, Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng: Crowdsourced Top-k Algorithms: An Experimental Evaluation. PVLDB 2016.
- B. Trushkowsky et al.: Crowdsourced enumeration queries. ICDE 2013: 673-684.
- J. Fan et al.: Distribution-Aware Crowdsourced Entity Collection. TKDE 2017.
- H. Park, J. Widom: CrowdFill: collecting structured data from the crowd. SIGMOD Conference 2014: 577-588.
- Adam Marcus, David R. Karger, Samuel Madden, Rob Miller, Sewoong Oh: Counting with the Crowd. PVLDB 2012.
Crowd-Powered Data Mining
- Yael Amsterdamer, Susan B. Davidson, Anna Kukliansky, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov, Amit Somech: Managing General and Individual Knowledge in Crowd Mining Applications. CIDR 2015.
- Yael Amsterdamer, Anna Kukliansky, Tova Milo: NL2CM: A Natural Language Interface to Crowd Mining. SIGMOD Conference 2015: 1433-1438.
- Yael Amsterdamer, Susan B. Davidson, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov, Amit Somech: Ontology Assisted Crowd Mining. PVLDB 7(13): 1597-1600 (2014).
- Yael Amsterdamer, Susan B. Davidson, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov, Amit Somech: OASSIS: query driven crowd mining. SIGMOD Conference 2014: 589-600.
- Yael Amsterdamer, Yael Grossman, Tova Milo, Pierre Senellart: Crowd mining. SIGMOD Conference 2013: 241-252
- Lei Chen, Dongwon Lee, Tova Milo: Data-driven crowdsourcing: Management, mining, and applications. ICDE 2015: 1527-1529
- Vikas C. Raykar, Jeremy Magruder . Learning from the Crowd. JMLR 2010 Volume 122, Issue 563, Pages 957-989
- Aditya Parameswaran et. al Human-Assisted Graph Search: It’s Okay to Ask Questions VLDBJ 2011, Volume 4 Issue 5, Pages 267-278
- Barzan Mozafari , Purna Sarker, Michael Franklin, Michael Jordan, Samuel Madden Scaling Up Crowd-Sourcing to Very Large Datasets: A Case for Active Learning VLDB 2014. Volume 8 Issue 2.
- Hannes Heikinheimo Antti Ukkonen The Crowd-Median Algorithm HCOMP 2013
- Hannes Ryan Gomes , Peter Welinder, Andreas Krause, Pietro Perona Crowdclustering NIPS 2011 Pages 558-566
- S. K. Kondreddi, P. Triantafillou, G. Weikum: Combining information extraction and human computing for crowdsourced knowledge acquisition. ICDE 2014
- Y. Zhuang, G. Li, Z. Zhong, J. Feng: Hike: A Hybrid Human-Machine Method for Entity Alignment in Large-Scale Knowledge Bases. CIKM 2017.
- G. Limaye, S. Sarawagi, and S. Chakrabarti. Annotating and searching web tables using entities, types and relationships. PVLDB, 2010.
- P. Venetis, A. Y. Halevy, J. Madhavan, M. Pasca, W. Shen, F. Wu, G. Miao, and C. Wu. Recovering semantics of tables on the web. PVLDB, 2011.
- Chengliang Chai, Ju Fan, Guoliang Li: Incentive-based Entity Collection using Crowdsourcing. ICDE 2018
- Ju Fan, Zhewei Wei, Dongxiang Zhang, Jingru Yang, and Xiaoyong Du: Distribution-Aware Crowdsourced Entity Collection. TKDE 2017
- Filipe Rodriguesl, Francisco Pereira Deep Learning from Crowds. AAAI 2018
- Yaosheng Yang, Meishan Zhang, Wenliang Chen, Wei Zhang Haofen Wang, Min Zhang. Adversarial Learning for Chinese NER from Crowd Annotations AAAI 2018
- Zhou Zhao, Da Yan, Wilfred Ng, Shi Gao. A Transfer Learning based Framework of Crowd-Selection on Twitter. KDD’13, Pages 1514-1517
- Kyohei Atarashi, Satoshi Oyama, Masahito Kurihara Semi-supervised Learning from Crowds Using Deep Generative Models AAAI’18